My Love, The Powdered Donut | Teen Ink

My Love, The Powdered Donut

July 16, 2019
By EnnAech BRONZE, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
EnnAech BRONZE, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My heart stops when I see you  

Pastries, cakes, and muffins surround you

All I see is your round white body  

Your sweet aroma draws me to the shelf where you sit

Growing stronger with each stride  

A sharp excitement fills my chest as I pick you up

It’s been so long since we were last together

I put you in the cart, rushing to finish my errand 

So I can get home as quickly as possible 

And taste your long-awaited flavor

I almost fall as I burst through the front door

I search frantically through the grocery bags,  

Looking for you, my delicate pastry

When I find you I smile

This is it 

This is that special moment 

I’ve been yearning for the breathtaking flavor 

Of your powdery flesh

For as long as I can remember  

Slowly I open your box

Like plucking off the roof of your house  

You are there, waiting for me  

Tears come to my eyes as 

I finally bring you to my open mouth

A sweet volcano erupts as I bite into you  

Powdery heaven coats the inside of my mouth, 

Causing my eyes to roll into the back of my head  

I see the o-so-bright light of happiness, it blinds me

And then your bread, your sweet, sweet bread

Numbs my taste buds with its remarkable flavor

Everything finally makes sense

I know the meaning of life

When I swallow you, I am left with sorrow 

I notice the powdery residue you left behind

You're not gone yet, 

Some of you still lingers

I smile as I lick my fingers

I love you powdered donut

The author's comments:

     My attached poem “My Love, The Powdered Donut“ is an ode I wrote for Language Arts class in 7th grade.  Before this, I had only attempted poetry with the attempt of writing a song, (but I’m 13, so that's not going to happen), so this area of literature was relatively new to me. The prompt was to write an ode about something you loved, something that made you feel good whenever you thought about it, something that was really special to you.  Of course, being in middle school, most of my classmates wrote their odes about their phones. I chose something a little deeper. I wrote about my love for powdered donuts.  This worked so well because reading a love poem about food is just naturally hilarious. I enjoy making people feel good and laugh so I wanted to write something that would be entertaining and fun. 

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