Reflection | Teen Ink


May 5, 2009
By WhittneyAnn SILVER, Charlevoix, Michigan
WhittneyAnn SILVER, Charlevoix, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To held long
Longing for tears
To be rid of sadness
But a reflection witholds
all emotion
all sense of direction
represses all fears

Taught to hold it all in
And reel away from sadness
to avoid all emotion
to just agree and get it over with.

But what if,
you were to break the mold
force away the habit
of holding it all in
force away the habit
and let healing begin

The author's comments:
This is kind of a sad poem...but its about a boy who was forced to look himself in the mirror every time he was to cry, and it became a habit, eventually leading to not being able to cry. True, but sad story.

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