More than mine 2 | Teen Ink

More than mine 2

April 19, 2019
By Marraiah SILVER, Palisade, Colorado
Marraiah SILVER, Palisade, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
You look good, you feel good. You feel good, you do good. You do good? You win.

No, it's fate amiss,

You should know,

You will be missed,

If you wish for a kiss,

Look at this list,

If you yearn for love,

We'd truly insist,

Beyond affair,

You will be fixed,

Don't forget our love,

Because every day,

You need not pray,

For we do know,

You're no girl,

You are Marraiah,

Brimming for tears,

Crying although,

We hear your fears,

We do care,

Because we're afraid,

That heart of yours,

Has never had aid,

You are a girl,

Born for love,

Deserving of care,

Not a mourning dove,

We want you to be happy,

Because you're always there,

Even on those days,

You're feeling like a blank stare,

When you read this,

Then I hope you know,

No matter how bad,

Never is your life forego,

You'll make it out,

You'll stay alive,

Because your life,

Is worth more than nine.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a friend who had talked me out of my eighth suicide attempt, I won't disclose his name without his permission but he goes by V.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 11 2019 at 6:58 pm
Marraiah SILVER, Palisade, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
You look good, you feel good. You feel good, you do good. You do good? You win.

In the description or side note, it wasn't inspired by that friend, it was actually written by him in response to mine, and he gave me his permission to post it here, and if that's not allowed then I apologize for posting it.