Worth more than mine (1 | Teen Ink

Worth more than mine (1

April 16, 2019
By Marraiah SILVER, Palisade, Colorado
Marraiah SILVER, Palisade, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
You look good, you feel good. You feel good, you do good. You do good? You win.

Some say it's a bliss,
I already know,
That I won't be missed,
All I asked was a kiss,
But to my face was their fist,
I asked for their Love,
But then they got pissed,
Beyond repair,
I can't be fixed,
No source of Love,
Not to this day,
I will not pray,
I had no plan,
But if you must know,
Then I'm not a girl,
I am a thing,
Corrupted by fear,
Screaming although,
No one could hear,
Nobody cares,
They just get paid,
To pretend that you're,
Getting mental aid,
I am a weapon,
Not built for Love,
No kind of affection,
Will fit like a glove,
Once I was happy,
I was all there,
But sadly today,
I'm just a blank stare,
If you read this,
Then I hope you know,
That no matter how bad,
I hpe thiss will show,
You'll make it out,
You'll stay alive,
Because your life,
Is worth more than mine.

The author's comments:

This is a poem that I had written when I was suicidal... I sent it to friends and family and one friend in particular sent something surprising back. He sent his own poem, responding to mine and encouraging me to stay alive long enough for help to arrive. His poem will be published with all rights going to him if that's allowed with his permission.

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