Flight to Colorado | Teen Ink

Flight to Colorado

November 28, 2018
By Zahran_M SILVER, Santa Barbara, California
Zahran_M SILVER, Santa Barbara, California
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nous vous prions respecter ces consigns pour le bonne fonctionment de cet apparail. (Translation: We pray that you respect these here instructions, for the good functionality of this appliance.)

The state of Colorado,
A thousand miles away,
The place that I shall visit,
On my next vacay.

I pack a single suitcase,
To carry my supplies,
It mustn't be too heavy,
Or else it may not fly.

To travel to the airport,
I take the morning bus,
The traffic may delay us,
But we mustn't make a fuss.

I check in at the counter,
After waiting in a line,
My boarding pass is printed,
Ticket number ninety-nine.

A porter takes my baggage,
To load it on the plane,
While I pass through the checkpoint,
Of highest security,

Boarding is now open,
For the seven-ninety-one,
Soon the flight will be departing,
Now begins the fun...

We're flying!
The plane is off the ground!
Away from L.A. County we ascend!

Our final destination,
In the center of the nation,
Awaiting our

rrival on this day!

Far out of city limits,
We neither rise nor fall,
This is cruising altitude,
You may now use the stalls.

Three hours later,
Flying with the wind,
We're over Denver City,
Not too long until we land!

As graceful as a falcon,
We've made it to the ground,
The airplane's mighty engines,
Cease to make a sound.

The boarding doors are open,
I'm back on solid land,
My journey has transpired,
Exactly as I planned.

A taxi-cab awaits me,
To take me to my room,
In the presidential suite,
Of Hotel Danny Bloom.

The author's comments:

Last year, I went on a vacation to Boulder, Colorado. The journey was relatively uneventful, and my travel log ("travelogue"?) would've made for a boring read. Since I first began writing, I've always enjoyed writing stories about travel and transportation, but this one just wasn't exciting enough. So I transposed the most significant parts of my travel-log into a poem format, and added my own slightly ficticious details to "romanticize" the story and make it more interesting. I hope you enjoyed my latest poem!

Safe travels, wherever you go...

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