Where Shall I Take You | Teen Ink

Where Shall I Take You

November 28, 2018
By whitleys BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
whitleys BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He said, “Where shall I take you

On this cold, April day?”

She said, “Get away from me  

And go far, far away.”


He was a bit discouraged,

But he didn’t give in.

His heart was made up and it

Burned strongly from within.


So, he left for a while,

But then came back again

With some splendid red roses,

And a note drawn in pen.


She unfolded the message

 And what did it display?

“Where on earth shall I take you

On this warm, summer day?”


She affirmed the boy, “Thank you,

But today’s not the day.”

The boy calmly left once more,

Not planning to stay away.


He was gone for a while,

But he came back again

With more beautiful roses,

And a fresh note in pen.


The girls’ eyes were sparkling

As she opened her note,

Lively and delighted to

Remark what he had wrote.


“Where on earth shall I take you

On this snug, autumn day?”

She said, “Take me wherever,

But only if you’ll stay.”


The boy preserved that promise,

And months soon passed again.

Inseparable those two,

Were lovers and best friends.


One beautiful winter night,

The man asked his fiancé,

“Where on earth should I take you

On our honeymoon day?”


She replied with a smile,

“Take me to Neverland,

Together—far, far away.”

Smiling, he kissed her hand.

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by my good friend, who also helped me write it. 

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