The True Reason for Christmas | Teen Ink

The True Reason for Christmas

November 9, 2018
By Anonymous

While ‘tis the season for presents and long work shifts,

we must remember to celebrate our most important gift.

Long ago, a little babe was born in a manger,

brought to the world surrounded by animals and strangers.

There was no room in the inn for the child or His mother, Mary,

but God provided for them and made their situation a little less scary.

Nonetheless, the stars shone bright on this cold winter night,

with Mary and Joseph not able to contain their delight.

Shepherds soon came, not a bit of faith did they lack,

for they realized that this event would leave a lasting impact.

Donkeys, sheep, and three Wise Men were also near,

for they knew that the Holy Spirit’s presence filled the atmosphere.

The Wise Men came with frankincense, myrrh, and gold,

and gifted them to the Son of God, we are told.

Swaddled in blankets and surrounded by hay,

our Lord and Savior had come to wash all our sins away.

News of Jesus’ birth would soon spread,

the remarkable story of a king born without a home or a bed.

So as this jolly season once again nears,

let us remember to keep Christ in Christmas for the rest of our years.

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