Rain | Teen Ink


April 10, 2009
By Rajeswari Ramanathan BRONZE, Fremont, California
Rajeswari Ramanathan BRONZE, Fremont, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was 3:45.
After Policy Practice. Irvington high school.
The trees danced in the wind. Sukhbir and I rushed to my locker.
Stuck with my hair trashed by the breeze, I pulled out my textbooks.
After hearing many complaints from Sukhbir about the weather, we walked outside.
We argued about how we were going to fail in Speech and Debate this year,
and how grades were the first priority.
"Ooooh, it's raining."
"What? What does that have to do...oh yeah, it's sprinkling."
The sky had darkened, the clouds squeezed in.
It was beautiful. The cars being washed out in the parking lot, the ground flashing a dizzy black.
The front area, filled with attached benches, held custody of only a few students.
Of them, included Sukhbir and me.
I left my stuff down, and came into the clearing.
For a second, I stood there, inhaling the fresh air.
It was stunning. I might be living in a polluted city, but that instant feeling, indescribable.
I walked out more across the parking lot to the grassy area.
My pants absorbed the cold liquid, oozing the chill on my legs.
I didn't mind. It was freezing. I could hear Connie's faint voice across the lot.
I ignored everyone for a second.
I heard the drops, beating fast and hard against my cheeks.
I lifted my head to see the shards of water, blasting as if they were missiles.
Except unlike missiles, there droplets were beautiful. Stunning pieces of art.
I glanced at classmates who walked by after badminton practice.
I looked strange to them, I knew that for a fact.
But I didn't fear. People stared at me, and probably would have thought I am a physco.
But I just concentrated on the rain. Beautiful music shuffled in my head.
I don't know...it was that feeling…
like being able to sit near a lake, with those who mean the most in your life.
silence. one change. one flicker. means. beautiful. simply beautiful.
it was the rain.

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This article has 2 comments.

esmeralda said...
on Apr. 26 2009 at 3:53 pm
Very nice article

Ram S. said...
on Apr. 22 2009 at 4:06 am
Fabulous article. It reminds my young days when I used to get drenched in rain on various occasions walking to school, running home across the fields, dancing in summer rain.. good one. Good luck!