I Will Not Whisper | Teen Ink

I Will Not Whisper

September 3, 2011
By kml91225 GOLD, Dedham, Massachusetts
kml91225 GOLD, Dedham, Massachusetts
16 articles 5 photos 1 comment

I was afraid to speak up at first, it's hard to ask for help when you're dealing with something like depression. I felt like I was giving hints or whispering. Saying enough to say I was trying but not enough to be heard.

Then I did ask, but I didn't help myself. I expected magic to happen I guess and thought that having support was enough. Even if I didn't always tell the truth. I told a few people and got a therapist at school.

Now, I'm screaming because I'm trying with everything I have right now and no one seems to want to help me anymore. I don't want people to become comfortable with me like this. It's not okay to be comfortable where I am now. I want someone to hear me. Finally.

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