Photography | Teen Ink


March 3, 2016
By alese SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
alese SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 “Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still”


This quote explains what taking pictures is like for me. Taking a picture,
it’s like freezing time right at that moment and saving it to look at later. My choice of a
career would be photography. It’s something I decided I wanted to do when I get older a
long time ago. It’s been two years since I started taking pictures and it’s going to be a
long time before I start then professionally. I have three main topics why photography
suits me, first is how I got into it, second is what I take pictures of, and third would be
my future in photography.

Photography was always fun to me and I discovered I that I wanted to start doing
it more in about 7th grade. I used to take a lot of pictures on my mom’s iPod because
mine had a blurry and older camera, unlike hers. I always loved to go around the yard
and take pictures of flowers, trees, people, or anything I could find that intrigued me.
Later on in 8th grade I got an iPhone 5s and started to take pictures on that for a year. At
first it was really clear and impressed me with its camera quality compared to the iPod I
used to use but then I started to notice how I couldn’t go up too close or zoom far and it
wasn’t as clear as I thought. The only thing I wanted for my fifteenth birthday was an
actual camera.This is how I started my love of photography. Finally when my birthday
came, I opened my present and saw it was the exact Sony camera I asked for and
that’s the one I take pictures with now. 

Nature to me, is the most interesting and exciting thing you could take pictures
of. On nice days I like to go outside for a few hours and take pictures of whatever
catches my attention. Summer, in my opinion, is the most enjoyable season to take
pictures of things. The flowers are colorful and it’s almost always warm outside. I’m not
used to taking pictures of people because it’s not like I’m a professional and have a
bunch of people to take them of. Occasionally though when my friends are over we like
to take pictures with each other. I do have some of me playing softball or trap shooting
too, but I’m not the one that took them. Zooming is something I use at almost all times.
Using that, I don’t have to go up super close to the object I’m taking a picture of. Editing
the photos isn’t really something I like to do. I try to make them look good enough
already to where I don’t really want to edit them. These are many of the things I like to
take pictures of. Hopefully, taking pictures now will help me become a photographer in
my future.

The Caribbean, Hawaii, Iceland, or New Zealand are just a few of the
places that would be exciting to travel to in my future if I really become a photographer.
Traveling to take photos would be entertaining and thrilling to see all the different things
we don’t have here. Going to other countries would be the most fun and interesting but
if I just went around in the U.S. it would still be appealing. Later on I’ll probably get a
bigger zoom lense so my camera can zoom in farther than it already can. A stand would
be nice too so I can steady my camera when I want my picture straight. I am hopeful
that will be successful in photography.

I’ve been taking pictures for about two years now, starting on my mom’s ipod
then moved on to my phone and now I enjoy my camera. I’ve taken a lot of the same
and a lot of different kinds of pictures. I plan to be a photographer in my future and want
to travel for the pictures I take. If I end up traveling, taking pictures of the things I see
would be like freezing a moment and being able to look at that same moment over and
over again. Maybe someday you’ll see me cruisin through the Caribbean. 

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