You Need Soccer in Your Life | Teen Ink

You Need Soccer in Your Life

February 17, 2016
By Anonymous

Soccer is a good way to release stress, anger, to get your grades up & even lose unwanted weight. I think more people should try soccer.

Soccer relaxes me when i have many things on my mind.Those are one of many reasons why i found love for the sport.Kicking a soccer ball is like taking out all my anger & stress that I have.This sport helps me get distracted from everything &  everyone, I get so into it  don't pay attention to  my surroundings it's like i'm in my own little world with no problems no worries just me & that soccer ball.

Soccer can help anyone that's wants to look physically fit & healthy.When i started to play I wasn't even fit to run a whole lap around the track,by the end of the soccer season i could run more than just one lap around, plus i had a barely visible four pack.

Soccer helped me get my grades up I went from “C” to beings an “A” & “B” honor roll student. I was committed to play so i had to be passing to even start to play.This sport motivated me to do good in  school.

Soccer is why I’m the person i am today.Soccer can help with most of life's problems so I encourage you to try it out some time.

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