what makes a soccer player great | Teen Ink

what makes a soccer player great

May 30, 2014
By jakea4 BRONZE, Coronado, California
jakea4 BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What Makes a Good Soccer Player “Great”

There was a thought lingering in my head about how is one professional soccer player on a team like Houston Dynamo and another on Barcelona? A lot of people know that any professional at a high level had the determination and will to succeed. The person on these teams most likely has good feet skills, knows what they are doing tactically, and are physically fit. The mental part of the game is something that separates these two players and that’s why one is on Houston Dynamo and the other on Barcelona. That great player on Barcelona is mentally thinking on offense where I my first touch going, does that touch stay close, is it played into the space to run onto, or is it to a wide open player over the top or right next to that player. Also that player needs to consistently know when to pass, soot, cross, or dribble and take on a player. On defense that player has to pressure strongly, be at angle where he/she can’t be split, and being one step ahead knowing which foot he shoot with and pressuring the other way. A great player will create plays out of nothing and will be there when the pressure is high. A great player is not perfect but is consistent overall and when they are needed. The mental strength in soccer or in most sports is what truly reflects the difference between a good player and a great one.

The author's comments:
I just wanted to talk about the sport I loved soccer.

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