Should hunting be legal? | Teen Ink

Should hunting be legal?

May 26, 2014
By kenneth nelson BRONZE, Austin, Texas
kenneth nelson BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is my belief that hunting helps the environment. Hunting is very natural. Today the most animals that get hunted are deer, birds, wild pigs and bears. Some see hunting as a natural way to cull the herds of prey animals that as result now produce beyond the environments carrying capacity. Hunters keep wildlife population balanced. When the animal population is not control it can cause herd starvation, accidents with humans and other environmental hazards.

Some people feel that hunting is bad. It could be, if it is not regulated. Herds of endangered species should not be hunted. People pay a lot of money to hunt endangered animals and that is not okay. PETA opposes any type of hunting. They feel that hunting causes immense suffering to individual wild animals. They feel it is cruel because unlike natural predation, hunters kill for pleasure. PETA feels that beyond moral issues hunting is not practical. Some wild animals require the minimal sustenance and do not require herd population control.

Thanks to fees that hunters must pay to get their hunting licenses many other extinct animals have thrive. Annually about $749 million dollars get collected on taxes if gun ammunition, and other gear. This money goes to state fish and wildlife agencies. This money is critical to purchase wetland habitat it also funds wildlife research in every state by not regulating over population of deer. Some farmers could lose their crops. Hunters still hunt to feed their families. My parent’s friends hunt and bring venison to us. We have it year round thanks to those who hunt legally.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because it was a assignment for class

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