NCAA Paying Players Issue | Teen Ink

NCAA Paying Players Issue

February 26, 2014
By nate19 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
nate19 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thinking of all the hard working people out there get paid to work. Some jobs are not like this though, college athletes are the ones that make all the revenue to the colleges. This right here bothered me a lot. College players should be paid just like every other worker in the world. Schools in the NCAA are currently on the subject which has many reasons to pay the player and many reasons not to pay the players. I have chosen three main topics to explain why they should pay college athletes.

One of the main issues of the “paying players act” is about the scholarships and tuition. The main reason are because players get injured and are done playing for their college career. Which some colleges stop with the free education and drops them. A case from the newsobsevers says that seven students ,from the University of North Carolina, were all part of an investigation for academic fraud, financial gifts, and paid trips from their agents. A case that involved that Michael McAdoo, stated that he was receiving impermissible help from a tutor. As the court found out, They put him on academic probation for the rest of the semester. It was part of my report because some athletes don't even care about their education but are in the NCAA to go pro in sports. Some athletes are not happy enough with a free scholarship so they try some illegal measures.

I'm gonna assume many people reading this do not know what an illegal agent is, right? An illegal agent is a player that is getting paid for endorsement items like ads and money for doing it. The NCAA has a rule that illegal agents are not to happen to current player athletes in college. A report from NBC sports by John Taylor from November 13, 2010 says that Cam Newton never made any money deals with Mississippi State or Auburn. It was a controversy because Cam’s father was trying to sell him to those to colleges but both denied any meetings with Cam’s father. It was a violation to the NCAA for Cam Newton knowing or not what his father was doing. Cam Newton was not aware of it, so Auburn might not have to sit down with Heisman front-runner until the NCAA rules on his eligibility It was a big controversy, but the next case may be a bigger one.

The case that involves Ed O’Bannon could change the NCAA big time. Ed sued the NCAA for the payment of athletes. According to Associated Press on ESPN, the video producers at EA were settling an agreement to 40 Million dollars to use images of former athletes in a videogame. I quote from Marc Edelman states “It might make it less likely NCAA pays damages for past conduct but it leaves very open the possibility of substantial organization altering changes to the NCAA” which it means is that the NCAA will more than likely not pay for past issues of paying the players. I support Mr. O’bannon in this lawsuit against the NCAA because players do deserve to be payed from all the money being made from the games the EA sports has made. If the case all goes well, as in Ed winning the case, this would case one of the largest uproars that the NCAA has ever seen.

When the NCAA decided to have EA make games for them, they didn't expect to be sued because of a video game. The three main reasons for this are the Ed O’Bannon case, Scholarships and tuition, and illegal agents in the NCAA. Those issues could be resolved by just paying the players because then if they sued, the court could just say that the NCAA already pays you so whats the big deal? The NCAA should strongly consider paying the student athletes to stop all this drama that is happening. I just hope when i go to college in four years, this is still not being in court. If it is, then something needs to be done soon.

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