Concealed Handguns | Teen Ink

Concealed Handguns

February 26, 2014
By ConCon BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
ConCon BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Out in plain view, not knowing if anyone can be trusted. Concealed handguns causes a lot of controversy between everyone. In all states in the U.S should people be able to carry handguns? Everyone has their different opinions, that have good reasons to back their opinions up. The three main things that are important aspects and will be talked about is safety, pros, and cons.

First is safety. Of course the number one reason on a parent's mind is going to be safety. Safety for everyone including children. Kids are curious, thats why people that want the licence have to go through a class so they are well educated about what they are getting themselves into, they know what they’re doing, and so they know how to properly use the gun.

Next is the pros about having a concealed handgun license. People are able to protect themselves and the only way to get it is if you go through a class. So someone has to have required training, which makes things more safe for the person and everyone else.

Last is cons about having a concealed handgun license. There are many bad things that could happen such as getting into the wrong hands, which could lead to accidents and such, also crime has increased in states that allow concealed handguns. And another bad thing about a concealed handgun license is the cost, for example its 80 dollars and above plus other fees in Texas, so its really expensive. Those are three things to know about concealed handguns.

The three important things about concealed handguns is safety, pros, and cons. In all states in the U.S people should be able to get their conceal and carry license if all regulations are met and it is used in the proper way. Out in plain view, they might be bad they might not. Who can be trusted? They could be using the license for the wrong reasoning instead of protecting themselves. Everyone is entitled to a personal opinion, but I personally prefer knowing I can protect myself.

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