Concussion | Teen Ink


January 8, 2014
By Anonymous

Imagine everyday you wake up, you lose half of your childhood memory. That’s what happens to some football players who have head injuries worse CONCUSSION. This happens when you have (CTE) Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, you maybe wondering what all those big words meant it is a brain disease you lose some of your memories. Many football players suffer from this disease,
but they still play football that is one really big risk.

Lem Barney,The famous Hall of Famer tells ESPN he regrets ever playing football. “If I had another choice I’d never played the game, at all, in my life.” Barney says at sixty six he has nerve conditions that prevent him from sleeping more than three hours a night, but he can still work and healthier than his old teammates.Barney played for the Lions from 1967 to 1977, back in the days no one ever diagnosed him with a concussion.

The doctors weren’t looking for concussion. Barney now thinks he had seven or eight concussion and to him Hall Of Fame was not worth it.
Football is a dangerous sport, Lem Barney says “ In ten to twenty years everyone will forget about football. Football should be forgotten and People should watch Rugby instead, that would fix everything, rugby is a safer sport than football.

People always wonder how many concussions occur in a year?,CDC estimates that 1.6 million to 3.8 million concussions occur each year. That’s a lot of concussion in one year. Football is the common sport with concussion risk for guys (75% chance for concussion). A Professional football player will receive 900 to 1500 hits to the during a season.The speed of a football player tackling another player is 25 mph. These are the symptoms you get, Headache (85%) and Dizziness(70-80%) are most common reported symptoms immediately following concussion for injured.

Many people today would tell you football is the best sport in the world and you can’t take it away, that’s right but it is also the dangerous sport . Would you want the protection or the Aggravation.

The author's comments:
Lem barney inspired me to write this editorial about concussion

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