The Debate of the Consoles | Teen Ink

The Debate of the Consoles

October 22, 2013
By TMW1227 BRONZE, Lathrup Village, Michigan
TMW1227 BRONZE, Lathrup Village, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There is a war going on in modern day gaming. The dispute between whether the PS3 or Xbox 360 is the better console has been going on since their releases. Some people feel a need to choose a side and stay loyal to the company they’ve been accustomed to. However other people don’t think about loyalty for a product and base their decision off of what they like about the console. In my opinion the PS3 is the choice of console and I have my reasons for why.

First, the PS3 doesn’t charge its users to play online with other players. Xbox 360 requires it’s users to pay a fee either monthly of yearly for the practical uses of the system. While the PS3 is varyingly more costly than the Xbox360, in the long run of things you don’t have to pay a yearly or monthly fee to utilize the system’s features.

Secondly, the PS3’s durability as a console has always been better than that of the Xbox. This includes the console’s avoidance of system failures and the quality of PS3’s Blu-Ray discs. A PS3 game disc is very durable and it is rare to have scratches on it unless it’s intentionally caused. Xbox’s discs are easier to damage and generally obtain at least one scratch even if taken care of properly. Also the Xbox has been known to obtain the system failure known to many people as the Red Ring of Death, which happens from the system overheating.

Finally, The PS3 and Xbox have content that is exclusive to their console. It’s based on opinion as of which console has the better exclusive content. Game titles such as Halo and Gears of War are extremely popular on the Xbox and attract the attention of many people. However the PS3 has titles like Uncharted, Infamous, God of War and Killzone that are also highly regarded.

Although both systems have advantages to them that make them appealing to people, I believe the PS3 is the better choice of console. It doesn’t charge players to play online; it is the more durable system with better quality discs and the exclusives for PS3 appeal to me more than those for Xbox.

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