Video Games Melt the Mind… Or do they? | Teen Ink

Video Games Melt the Mind… Or do they?

March 24, 2011
By Anonymous

Around the globe today, video games have become wildly popular. Systems such as Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii, etc. have came out with several video games that people crave every day. Everybody has their own opinions on video games, but I believe playing certain video games can actually be a learning experience. Some video games have some historical content that can be influential to some teens and even adults around the world. All three systems are coming out with video games that don’t even require using a controller and they make you get up and be active while entertaining yourself. Basically, what I’m saying is that video games can improve the curious mind of young adults.

Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Wii have all come out with physically active methods of video gaming to keep gamers active. Xbox 360 with Kinect, Playstation 3 with Playstation Move, and Wii was built to be a physically active system. As a gamer myself, I’ve used all 3 of these modern gaming techniques and they are actually a workout. For example, there are boxing games for all 3 systems and after several hours of “boxing” with your friends you are wiped out and even brought to sweat! Also, when you wake up the next morning it feels like you just did a full workout because your whole body is sore. Another example is the game “Guitar Hero”. “Guitar Hero” allows you to exercise your forearm and wrist muscles while rocking out to your favorite rock and roll songs. These physical games also make your brain think because you have to find a tactical technique to beat your opponent. There is nothing better than a little bit of friendly competition. Also, working this way not only gives you a workout and allows you to entertain yourself, it makes you able to workout indoors during the cold winter months or if the weather is poor.

Although physical gaming is nice, all games are not made that way. Controller gaming still exists in this generation. People will always stereotype video gamers as lazy couch potatoes. I agree that you shouldn’t spend all of your time playing video games, but some video games have educational value to them. Games like the “Call of Duty” series educate the gamer about a soldier’s journey and activities during all of the wars. It takes the gamer through all of the brutalities and realities of what war actually is. They bring you through actual private military missions from the perspective of different countries like Russia, Japan, and the United States. These values could be contributed to a history class because all of the facts and situations used in the game are REAL. Personally, I have used some of the things I’ve learned by playing “Call of Duty” in my history classes and I was honestly surprised at how much I had learned from that game until I knew everything the teacher was talking about.

Video games also keep your mind active at all times. When playing strategic video games, it requires your brain to make educated decisions to try to win the game. Thus, this makes you make educated decisions in everyday life because your brain is taught to do so. I know what you’re thinking, I’m crazy right? However, as a gamer myself, I am a very clean person. I don’t do drugs, I don’t smoke, and I don’t drink. Partly because some video games have demonstrated what some of these activities can do to you and I’ve made the correct decision to stay away from that garbage and you should do the same.

Therefore, video games are not all bad for you. Stereotypical automatically think that video games are the main reason for the laziness and healthiness in teens these days, but modern day video gaming can actually improve your physical physique. They also train your brain and some even fill your brain with historical knowledge that can even be used in the classroom. However, you shouldn’t make video games your main priority because there are better things to do to educate your brain and get in physical shape. Modern day video games are just there to help.

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