Should there be stricter rules on how coaches treat their players? | Teen Ink

Should there be stricter rules on how coaches treat their players?

May 30, 2024
By CaydenB BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
CaydenB BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There should be stricter rules on how certain coaches treat their players. Coaches should never have favorite players and should always treat their players equally and around the same, there should be no favoritism . I think the reason why these players are treated so differently  is because they could be the better players and the coaches don't want them to leave their team. 

This leads me to tell you that coaches should not try and bribe anyone. This will lead to controversy and many other things. This can get you in very big trouble throughout the league and even with the government. “The athletes could be offered full 4-year scholarships that they could use after their playing years were over, or perhaps in the off seasons, so that they would be able to truly focus on their education.” This quote applies to the bribery throughout college football because they try to encourage players to come. They also can try and give the players a little extra something like an incentive to get players to come. It was a good reason to add NIL deals because then college coaches wouldn't need to bibe the players as much. 

There can be many effects on certain athletes when it comes down to picking favorites. Whether you know it or not the coaches have very big effects on the players and the sports they love to play. “A perfect example is when they take a player out of a game after a mistake without explanation and continue to do so throughout the game thereafter. This behavior leaves a player confused, wondering why they came out of the game and what they are doing wrong.” This is a great example of how coaches can make you overthink throwing your game off.  This can even come down to throwing your love off for the game. Just because they favor some players over you, you may not even get the chance to play just because of the connection of another player to a coach. 

For the coaches and the board of directors of the NCAA, please consider the amount of bribery there is to certain players because it can impact the future of the players and even the franchise. Also consider, not picking favorite players because you have a connection with them, make connections with all of the players and whoever works the hardest and wants it the hardest those types of players should be playing. There should be consideration on how these things can affect the players careers.

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