Anything other than studying will help your studying | Teen Ink

Anything other than studying will help your studying

April 5, 2022
By Anonymous

I still remember the days when my grandpa would pull me out of the car and make me play the piano every day when I was little. I didn’t like to play piano, but everyone around me knows how to play it. It makes me start to think: should I also play piano like everyone else? Talking about learning instruments and having hobbies that are related to art, I have opinions and experiences to share.   
The piano is the first instrument I learned because my teacher always said the shape of my hand is different than others. I didn’t understand what that meant until my guitar teacher told me that my pinkie is shorter than normal people recently. This makes me have a hard time practicing or learning instruments unless I play some instruments which don’t need to use pinkie. I hadn’t realized since my family all have short pinkies. However, it does not mean that I can’t play an instrument. I did abandon piano lessons and this popular instrument, but I also find an instrument that I like which is Guitar. I have to say that my guitar learning has not been easy. persuade my mom for almost two years for her to allow me to learn guitar. I started with folk guitar, then I found out I can’t play it since I can’t sing. However, I turned to learning classical guitar. Unfortunately, my guitar teacher is very strict with me and I learned to pluck strings for a month. Surprisingly, I haven’t felt boring when I practice these boring things, thus I know that I love to play guitar. I like its sound, I like its music, I like its difficulty. Although it takes a lot of time, I still think it will become my interest that goes with my whole life. In this way, the most important thing is to follow your passion.  
I tried to learn calligraphy when I was seven, but the answer is simple: I can’t sit there quietly for hours and just write for practice. This time my mom recognizes it quietly, and I quit the class. However, this is actually a wrong choice, because this is what I am good at and have talent on. I understand that parents find it hard to find their children’s talents since the children are too young to know what they truly love to do. I have to say that when I restarted learning calligraphy two years ago. I finally find that I really like it and I can also learn a lot from this activity. Surprisingly, no one from my family expected me to like this activity, but they only forced me to do it at first since they like Chinese traditional culture. In this way, I believe that when helping children to show their hobbies, parents need to enforce or persuade them to practice at some point. Practicing is necessary!  
Besides instruments and calligraphy, I like dancing. I will say I like dancing the most of all my hobbies. I have learned dancing since I was three years old, and I tried different types of dancing like ballet, Chinese classical dance, and jazz. I am not a good dancer, and even my mother agrees with this point. As a result, I am not confident at performing. However, every time I stand on the stage, I enjoy the time I have and I try my best. After the performance, I usually feel like I improved a lot when I practice it again. I wondered: how can performing in front of people help me to improve? My opinion is that every time I performed well, I felt like I achieved a goal set by myself. The achievement and hundreds of times practicing help me to improve.   
After all, these strategies of improving and finding what you really like are very similar to learning style. We can use these methods in every subject or activity.   

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