Track History | Teen Ink

Track History

October 22, 2020
By Anonymous

Track practice was always tiring and exhausting . There were rarely breaks, if we did get any it was for at least two to three minutes . The rules were simple: One less talking, more running, two don’t stop and never say you're tired,  and three stand up straight on your feet at all times. ALWAYS complete your two laps around the track and get ready for warm up no exceptions. 

As school lets out I head to track practice, I’ve changed my clothes into the proper attire & have my water bottle in hand.The air is very refreshing and the wind is calm.I get to the track, sit my stuff down and tie my shoes.I start to run my two laps around the track once I am done I head to the circle where the team warms up. After everyone warms up we gather into lines of 4 and do these sprint techniques and other exercises . From one side to the other side of the field and back.Legs need to stay strong , arms in place,finish each move correctly. 

Our next step of exercise is to line up in rows of 5.This is where we run six 100 meters maybe more if we follow the rules . We move along to the 200 meters and the 400 meters . One counts as going to one end of the track and back during the meters. We are getting timed for how long it takes us to finish the meters we are doing. It took me 11.4 seconds to complete the 100 meter which is not bad. My 200 meters was about 28.7 seconds. My 400 takes me awhile which is why I don't do those at track meets. Once everyone is timed we take a break.We all are sweaty and it looks like water was just thrown on us.

The hill is the last part of the day.We start from one point then we run up the hill , keep in mind it is a very steep hill . Next we run down the hill which is the coolest part but kind of scary. Then we do it over and over again.Everytime we go up the hill,we move further back from it then we start to run up it . This hurts my calves so bad . Even in the wet mud we run up the hill we also practice in the rain. 

April 1 , 2019 was our first track meet . On the bus to the meet we went over everything multiple times .The coaches put together our relay teams. Relay race is the fun part; It's four members,each member runs a 100 meter. It's like 4 races in one which makes it more competitive and more interesting.Once we got to the meet we ran our two laps around the track, we always got to the meet early so we could practice.

  Other teams got there and it was always secret animosity.The first thing we did was line everybody up to start the 100 meters , the fastest always went first.Then so on with the 200 and 400 meters .The end of the track meets the best part ,whoever has the best scores gets a medal,bronze,silver,or gold.The best relay team gets two medals and many other things. 

All our practice pays off because we had most of the best scores.The weird techniques we did were actually to help our leg muscles and posture. Not taking breaks was reminding us not to stop at all but if we did stop it wasn't for that long.Constantly running up and down the hill was helping calves muscles.Running relay was telling us to work together as a team to win. When the coaches said never sit down or say you're tired it meant to never show the other team that they could have won and show them it was a piece of cake. Although it was hard understanding why we did these things but once we did our first track meet we understood it all. Really was a fun and competitive sport but you had to be dedicated to win at all cost but fairly. Hard work pays off .


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