4 Reasons to Play Video Games | Teen Ink

4 Reasons to Play Video Games

November 1, 2019
By cdenny BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
cdenny BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 4 reasons to play video games


They can give you a creative boost to your imagination.

Video games can help you by a creative boost by art. They can improve drawing, character models , and different ideas to draw.

You can meet other people online.

While you are in a game, you play with different people. If you want to you can talk to other people in the game. You can even meet up with someone in the real world and make new friends.

It can give you ideas to make new games.

You can get ideas by looking at the design, the codes the game has, and the type of genre the game is.

 It can increase your focus in the real world.

As much as the focus in games, you can focus on other things like, reading a book, and doing schoolwork.

The author's comments:

These are four reasons to play video games.

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