Thanksgivng | Teen Ink


November 5, 2015
By Thanksgiving BRONZE, Minster, Ohio
Thanksgiving BRONZE, Minster, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“In the name of the Father, the Son, and …” Together a family is praying as they prepare to attack the smorgasbord of Thanksgiving food. On the third Thursday of November, it is a tradition for families to gather together to celebrate this national holiday. Oftentimes, Thanksgiving is viewed as a day filled with endless food such as scrumptious turkey and stuffing. Families are gathered together devouring Grandma’s mouthwatering pumpkin pie and enjoying each other’s company. Not surprisingly, there is a group of men is huddled around the television watching NFL football and the women are fixated on  Taylor Swift’s outfit during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Celebrating Thanksgiving is a wonderful opportunity to open people’s eyes to see the true blessings in their life. 

People need to take advantage of Thanksgiving. Being thankful means one is expressing gratitude and relief. That is exactly what needs to occur on this day: be thankful. Be gratified for each and every blessing God has sanctified you with. Don’t look at this holiday as a day off school or work as an excuse to eat any and all food under the sun. Take time to realize that there is more in life than NFL football, or Black Friday shopping. Respect the day as it is given to us to appreciate the underrated amount of blessings we encounter in our life.

Be grateful that Thanksgiving is a day spent with loved ones. Show gratitude by telling whomever that they are sincerely loved and cherished. People need to try to spend less time shoveling food into their mouths, and spend more time celebrating their time spent with family. Create a list; it is encouraged every Thanksgiving for people to make a list of everything they’re grateful for. Date it, and each year come back to see what has been added or removed to this list. Individuals should show how thankful they truly are this Thanksgiving by interacting and showing gratitude with their families and friends. It is guaranteed that throughout the holidays if people acknowledge their gifts more, it will be more enjoyable than it has ever been before.

Yes, it is great to be able to gobble pumpkin rolls and green bean casserole on Thanksgiving, but what is even greater than doing so is being with family. Appreciate everything a little extra on Thanksgiving and never lose sight of the wonderful blessings that God provides.

The author's comments:

Thanksgiving is not as honored of a holiday as it should be. 

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