Here for a Reason | Teen Ink

Here for a Reason

March 12, 2018
By lizlundy23 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
lizlundy23 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All people should know they're loved. All people should have someone to turn to. All people should get help when needed. Last year, the hit TV show 13 Reasons Why, came out, 6 students in the Williamsport Area School District committed suicide, which broke records, and made TV. We as a country watched a kid take their own life- yet we as a district experienced 6 kids take their own lives. This brings up the important cause, the root of teen suicide. Teens who want to commit suicide believe that nobody loves them, that nobody needs them, that nobody cares about them; that if they were gone things would be better in the world and for the people around them. As we all know, one of the main origin of suicide is bullying. 

Whether you're here today or gone tomorrow, being bullied for the color of your skin, if you're here today or gone tomorrow being bullied for being gay, if you're here today or gone tomorrow being bullied for your religion, or if you're not being bullied for the previous, there is always help for what you are getting bullied for.  Ending your world not only ends yours, but all the people around you. You think ending your life will solve all your problems, and the people around you, but honestly it makes things worse. You cause pain for your loved ones, your community, and to yourself. By doing this, it could possibly make others want to commit suicide also. We cannot let this scare us or run from it but, should stare at it in the eye and face the trial going on in our lives.

To receive help, talk to a trusted adult, your parents, or a friend, and don't be afraid of being judged or holding back your feelings or thoughts. You may not know it, you may not feel it, you may not experience it right here right now, but you are loved. These bullies-liars- cheaters-stealers-persecutors-pests- tormenters- intimidators want nothing from us- but to make us feel bad about ourselves, when they only do this because they feel bad about themselves. We most certainly cannot let this stop us. We are here for a reason, we are wonderfully made, we are perfect in God's eyes, and we are beautiful.

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