Hunger in Thailand | Teen Ink

Hunger in Thailand

December 13, 2017
By basicallyfoufa BRONZE, Abu Dhabi, Other
basicallyfoufa BRONZE, Abu Dhabi, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hunger in Thailand:

In Thailand, hunger is a major problem that is faced by many people in the villages. When my friends went to Thailand saw that this is one of the real life situations that they face on an everyday basis. One of my friends, Macy, interviewed the people in Thailand, and recorded their answers. One of the questions that Macy asked was if most of the food that they consumed was homemade or store bought. They were two females and they both answered that most of the food that they ate they made because they had farms with animals. When Macy asked the same question to a different woman who they built a home for she said that she bought all of her food so it was a healthy mix. In this article you will read about how poverty relates to the scarce amount of food in Thailand, the quality of the food, and finally how malnourishment affects people in their daily lives.

Not Enough Money:

Before all else, you will learn about how poverty relates and affects the scarcity of food in Thailand. Zero hunger is a sustainable development goals. The sustainable development goals are a group of 17 goals that are major problems in the world today that the UN plans on achieving by the year 2030.  One of the major problems in Thailand is poverty. Poverty is when people are poor and don't have enough money to get the basic essentials in life. One of these basic essentials is food. If the people in Thailand don't have enough money to buy food, then they will suffer from malnourishment. In Thailand, 10.5% of the population is below the poverty line which is dangerously low for a country. This offers evidence of the fact that the amount of money that a family has greatly impact the amount of food and the basic essentials that come with it.

Freshly Grown or Freshly Bought?:

Moreover, we will get into what the quality of the food is in Thailand. There are many options in which you can get your food, but based on the places we visited in Thailand, here are the main two. The people in Thailand said that they either buy their food from local food markets or they make their own food from their own farms that they planted. One of the ladies that we asked said that she went to a loca market that made all fresh fruit and vegetables to eat. A second lady said that she had grew a farm and she used only her natural grown produce to make her own meals everyday. Looking deeper into this, we found that the people who had more money were the people who bought their produce from the market, whereas the people who had farms had less money, but were more sustainable because they always had food to put on the table and would eventually be able to sell the excess amount of food that they make.
The Road To Starvation:

Generally speaking, hunger is a main problem in Thailand, But what are the effects that hunger has on the people in Thailand? One of the main effects is malnourishment. In South East Asia, 281.4 million people are undernourished. This also leads to stunting in which 37.5 million people in South East Asia suffer from. One solution to this is planting more farms in villages in Thailand. In doing this you will not only provide food for the family to eat but also when they are stable, they can sell the extra produce that they have left over.

As you can see, hunger is one of the biggest struggles that is faced by many people in Thailand and many people suffer from it.  If we all spread awareness and actually go and help the people that are in need of our help, then this will be one less country that suffers from hunger.

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