Quotes | Teen Ink


May 1, 2016
By otismaximus BRONZE, Bentleyville, Ohio
otismaximus BRONZE, Bentleyville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Definition: To repeat a passage from a book, speech, or article. A quote can be a simple sentence or a huge paragraph, what matters is the words inside of the quote that can fill you with inspiration or joy. My personal favorite quote is Bobby Knight’s “I have always maintained that in basketball the importance of the mental to the physical is about four to one.”

My favorite quote gives me the inspiration to keep striving to be better at basketball and to remember that I can’t let my mistakes get inside of my head. I need to keep trying and move on to the next play if I make a mistake. Not to forget the mistake but try to correct it in the next play.

There is the quote for the movie The Help, “You is Kind, you is Smart, you is important.” This quote can fill you with joy when feeling down and remembering that you are kind, you are smart, and you are important.

There are millions of quotes in the world, too many to count. Each quote has a meaning behind it, when looking at the quote you have to look deeper then the words in the sentence, and you have to look in your imagination to relate to it.

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