Immigration | Teen Ink


January 26, 2016
By Kerrisa BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Kerrisa BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my perspective immigration is not a bad thing or a good thing.

I really don’t know what to think about immigration, because I understand that people come across the border to have a better life, but then I think about the amount of people that are coming across the border, which is a lot of people. I understand that they want a better life for themselves and in some cases their children, but how can you live the rest of your life looking over your shoulder scared that you might get caught by the police.  A lot of people are against immigration, but there’s also a lot of people who think that immigration is not a problem. Most people who are against immigration are most likely to be Republican, and most Democratic people are not against immigration.

Unauthorized immigrants make up 5.1% of the U.S. labor force

About 7% of K-12 students had at least one unauthorized immigrant parent in 2012.
There were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. in 2014

In my opinion I think that people should still be able to come to america from other countries but that there needs to be more regulations. I know that America already has a lot of rules and processes that you have to go through to become a citizen, especially because people who want to come to america have bad intentions. But I feel that stopping immigration completely would be wrong, I think that we should just have more rules, and security. Maybe america could have security all around the clock, and not use as many military as we are using right now, because that would become expensive. I read in an article titled Immigration bill's border security cost could jump even more by Mitchell Hartman, that  “Senator John Cornyn of Texas proposed an amendment that would more than double border-security spending in the current bill -- from $4.5 billion to $10 billion (an additional $1 billion each year for six years).” Though this sounds like a lot of money, they still decided to pass the amendment. After passing the amendment Senator John Cornyn hired 10,000 more border patrol, and they are buying materials to add more fencing and equipment such as high tech cameras, aircraft, etc.

About a year ago Obama announced a law that would help the parents of children that were born in america but with parents that are immigrants, the only thing is that you have to have lived in America for more than 5 years. This law would only go for immigrants that are parents of american citizens, have lived in america for 5 or more years. This law also wouldn’t just let the parents off the hook for not being american citizens but it would help them to become legal, and while they are in the process they can stay in the U.S.

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