Being Different | Teen Ink

Being Different

January 26, 2016
By LebaneseShakespeare BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
LebaneseShakespeare BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people in this world come from many different places and ethnicities. In our society people expect us to all be the same in all manners possible. Sherman Alexie has lived a very difficult life due to where he's from. Everyone treats him differently just because he's Native American. He's human just like us so why do many people treat him differently? A wise many once said "Being different isn't a bad thing. It means that you're brave enough to be yourself" which meant so much but yet was so little. This meant that you had the courage to be a change rather being like everybody else. Sherman Alexei got through, it. He proved all the stereotypes wrong. He created a personality for himself that was different from everybody else. This showed the kids at his school that he was different but in the better way.           


I've experienced this many times in my life. Many of my friends are Arab that come from different countries from the Middle East. This meant that we all spoke different variations of Arabic. Out of all the variations, the Arabic that I spoke was the most embarrassing according to them. I have to live with this all the time because they think that it's not proper Arabic. But through the months I learnt to deal with it and that being different is better than being like everybody else.


One word that haunts me till this day is being called "short". Many people in school call me short because they're so much taller than I am. I learnt how to deal with this. As I am a huge fan of Star Wars, Yoda once said "Judge me by my size, do you?". This is very true considering how short Yoda is but that he is also one of the strongest Jedis to encounter the galaxy. After continuously being called short I said "You know what, I like myself the way I am because I'm different"

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