Flag. | Teen Ink


November 6, 2015
By t_orlando3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
t_orlando3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

America came from humble beginnings and grew into the most prosperous nation in the world. When I think of America I think of the American flag. The American flag of stars and stripes is a symbol of bravery, hard work, and opportunity.

Before the year 1776, the flag could not flutter in the wind and signify freedom. Under the rule of Great Britain, people were treated unfairly by the world's most powerful nation.

But the people were brave and made a change. With powerful leadership from heroic people such as George Washington in the Revolutionary War, Thomas Jefferson the author of the Declaration of Independence, and John Hancock and his leadership in congress, the flag flies in freedom.

America was built by hard work and dedication. The flag symbolizes the nation's hard work. At the battle at Iwo Jima, there is an iconic picture of United States troops raising the flag in victory. However, that’s not the only time the flag represented the hardwork of America. It was also shown when Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon, when our nation's flag again represented hard work and accomplishment. The stars and stripes fly high when America accomplishes a task through hardwork and dedication.

Flags fly in our schools, outside office buildings, and on athletic fields. The American flag symbolizes opportunity. Americans can have the job of his or her choice and own a home wherever they please. This makes the flag fly high with pride.

The flag is more than just thread and red, white, and blue…it symbolizes bravery, hard work, and opportunity. And I truly am proud to be an American.

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