Imagination | Teen Ink


November 4, 2015
By BACON8TOR BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
BACON8TOR BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In ailing countries around the world, poverty stricken people fight for money, not for luxuries like shoes or even a warm bed, but for necessities like “clean” water or the scraps from an animal killed weeks ago. Imagination fuels the hope, these people desperately need. The modern day Hitlers and Stalins do not take shape as war stricken maniacs, but as the everyday man who looks down at these people and only sees the cover to their tragic story. Sadly, the people in need suffer while the upper class prospers from their pain. Pope Francis once made a speech about poverty and how individual people need to become a little poorer and give a little more. I imagine and hope citizens from all countries will heed the Pope’s thoughts and take charge.

Imagination and hope gives humanity a reason to continue towards a brighter and happier future. When a person steps out into the world every day, it shows person hopes and believes they can and will make a difference in our world. Hope becomes a facet the human life demands, and without the comfort and joy hope gives us, any sickness or captivity results in a incurable disease and kills the brain in a dark and maniacal way. Without hope, death becomes an eventuality, while hope results in a, scientifically proven, longer life. When thinking about such a subject the old saying glass half empty, glass half full comes to mind. With everyday sayings resulting in giving hope to the world, why can’t we stop every injustice, crime, and early death?

Not long ago I walked into school and remembered the murder and horror in our world and how terrible people can become. Just after thinking about this I also remembered people like Martin Luther King Jr. who saw hope in the hopeless and powered through shootings, and death threats, to create a more perfect country for all who live in it. Some people denied his righteous crusade and decided to shoot him dead in his tracks. The world had made it’s choice though, we will not succumb to fear, greed, and anger. We will persevere with our everlasting companion, hope.

The author's comments:

This piece describes all of our woes and why we need to be something more than just ourselves. 

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