The World Is So Bigoted | Teen Ink

The World Is So Bigoted

September 15, 2015
By Evan_Rowe BRONZE, Pontypridd, Other
Evan_Rowe BRONZE, Pontypridd, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hey guys, my name's Evan and I am an anarchist and strong supporter of leftist ideas all around, and contrary to popular belief anarchism does not mean people running around and messing stuff up. Anarchism simply means, the lack of a state, and while (much like Marxism) does not work very well, is still a nice idea.

For starters, I'm going to lay down some opinions and complaints I have about stuff. I may contradict myself several times.

I believe that everyone should have a right to do what they want by their own moral compass and not those imposed upon them by society, a governing body or religion.

I believe that every "basic human right" is limited in some way, for example, freedom of speech is not absolute, if I were to speak my full mind on any of these subjects I'd be deemed a "radical", or "terrorist" by the right-wing media.
And while I disagree with Nazism, it's illegal to be a nazi (unless you're a member of UKIP), so these people, while wrong, have had their freedom of speech taken away from them.

If anarchy does eventually happen, small groups of like minded people will form societies, these societies will thrive because everyone has similar ideas.
While these groups will clash over idealogical differences (like the Marxists and the capitalist scum) no argument lasts for ever.

My ideas face constant criticism, but so did the ideas of Karl Marx, and Russia was communist from 1919(?) till 1991. Remember ideas are bullet proof.

Socialism is the way to go.

I can't walk 5 meters without seeing a Costa coffee shop, these businesses are destroying small coffee shops with personality. I'm boycotting Costa.

Everyone hates Muslims but Muslims are nice people. In fact the IRA have killed more people in the uk than any Muslim terrorist organisation, however no one is scared to go to Ireland, and it's because of propaganda and George Bush.

And to conclude this essay, I will make a controversial comment on 9/11....
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bigger tragedies than 9/11 yet Americans happily walk around with not a single bit of guilt.

Don't be a slave to trends guys.

The author's comments:

Im Evan, I'm 15 and I live in Cardiff, Wales. I figured I'd write this because I want my opinions to be heard, and stuff.

This essay was highly influenced by anarchists and socialists such as Max Stirner.

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