A Modern Advancement in Education | Teen Ink

A Modern Advancement in Education

April 21, 2015
By India McNeese BRONZE, Woodland, California
India McNeese BRONZE, Woodland, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Our school system is a strong one with a focus on bettering our students for the future. This is where students are meant to prepare for the real world, to ready themselves for fulfilling their purpose in society. Unfortunately this modern day schooling is drenched with flaws. Among the most significant of flaws is the school dress code. The average dress code consists of rules like: no leggings, no holes in pants or shorts, no tank tops, crop tops or anything shorter than the length of your fingertips but it varies depending on what school you go to. Of course, these average rules do not keep unruly teenagers from going against them. Young people can not be trusted to obey the rules set in front of them which creates a horrible environment in high schools. Hormones are simply at an uncontrollable state making students less like people and more into irrational animals. This makes them a danger to anyone near. They are unable to make decisions for themselves and should never have the opportunity to have the chance to until they grow to the right age. The only conclusion I can imagine to prevent these students from their own corrupt free will is this…

I propose, that in order to rid our school systems of sinful temptation; we must create a dress code that can not be so easily broken. This will include harsher punishment and a refreshing new uniform that I am sure worried parents will be eager to strap on to their children. These new set of rules should be given to all schools in order to create the young adults we truly need in society. The uniform would consist of tasteful attire that would prevent any unwanted interaction, creativity, and freedom. There would be many layers to the uniform in order to ensure coverage. The girls would wear long skirts conveniently sewn past their ankles and boys wear pants buttoned at their waists. They would also be required, this mostly applies to the girls, to keep their hair pinned up and never have any unnatural hair color or cosmetics. The youth should not be entitled to have such absurd creativity in their looks. This only creates even more vanity in our students community and frankly, would be too much of a distraction during their studies. But I have saved the most important piece of the uniform for last; it will create a revolutionary opportunity in our school system. This is the use of the straight jacket. This sensible tool thrown away long ago can be brought back to all its former glory in the setting of a modern high school. Straight jackets can ensure our students safety and keep them from growing prematurely. We will no longer have to worry about our students having distractions. I can not think of a reason for letting a child have individualism in what the wear. The only thing they should focus on is their education and nothing else.

The uniform would be sewn only from the fabric of a stunning variety of neutral colors, such as: brown, tan, or beige. With everyone's wardrobe painted in the most suitable shades, we will no longer have the fear of scandalous neon colors cluttering our hallways and blinding our eyes. The problem of our societies acceptance on certain pieces of clothing is simply appalling. By using my uniform we can eliminate these distractions. In order to create the perfect society and future for the United States we must realize conformity is key. After all, America was not based on the ideas of freedom or passion in anyway.

“In 2010 the university of Houston discovered that elementary school girls' language test scores were increased about three percentile points after school uniforms were introduced.” By using the uniform I am proposing, especially if it can be worn across the country, will increase the United States ranking on test scores. This will alter our reputation as a country and better our standards. But I think we should take this philosophy a step further. Uniforms are known to create unity in the school and my plan to unite our whole country with our youths attire may not be enough to have the true outcome we need.

My second half to my  proposal is to bring back religion in schools.  And I do not mean a class or two dedicated to the research of other cultures; I intend the whole country to follow one religion and no longer dabble in the exotic. "Seventy-five percent of Americans call themselves Christian."(CNN). that is a shocking amount considering that "in 1990 the figure was 86 percent."(CNN). This is very alarming. As we know, Christianity is the superior religion and it is quickly falling out of style because the values of Christianity are not being planted within the youths daily lives. Because I believe in the power of the bible, I know others should believe it too. My views promote a bright future and it is the only solution that make sense. Every morning and afternoon there would be time carved out for students to prey and all classes would make an attempt to relate their studies to Christian values. Some may say that a proposal such as mine goes against little things like the first amendment, but in order for the U.S. to truly thrive, we must give up some of our freedoms for safety. The pairing of my uniform and the superior religion will plow a new path into the right direction for our country.

In order to better our society we must create a strict set of rules. The average high school hallways are covered with dangerous opportunities waiting to disturb our plans of the future. By using my strategy of uniforms the school system and the country will be a much healthier and happy place to live in. My proposal shapes a strong plan for our future that I am sure will not fail to bring us together as a country. Dress code is something that seems very small on the scale of all the other problems our country unfortunately has to face, but this subject is a big one that sparks controversy all over and I can not see why it should not be brought to light, like it deserves.

The author's comments:

This piece was for my 12th garde english class. Our assignment was to write a satirical essay on a topic we felt passionate about. I decided to focus on school dress code. I felt that it would be a relatable topic to people in my age group, but also because it is so controversial between youth and adults. There are many people that want aspects of the school dress code to be changed and many that see no problem with the way it is, but it usually is not noticed as a serious problem. My goal in writing this was to bring light to a topic many do not bother to look into with much depth. 

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