Should Child Soldiers End Once and For All? | Teen Ink

Should Child Soldiers End Once and For All?

February 16, 2015
By vln20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
vln20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People might say that child soldiers will teach kids discipline, but others disagree. I have a few reasons why child soldiers are bad for kids. The three reasons why I think child soldiers are bad for kids is they don’t get to see their families often, they don’t get to be a child or they have to act like an adult for their life, they get taken away from their families and their schools and other things, and lastly they might die when they get taken to fight in wars.

The worst reason why child soldiers are bad is they don’t see their family often. When you are a kid it’s fun for your parents to watch you grow up. When kids are trained to be child soldiers, their family doesn’t get to see them when it’s their birthday, or Christmas. That’s just being mean to the kids when they don’t get to see their family when it’s special occasions.

The second reason is the kids have to act like adults when they need to be acting like kids during a period of their life. When kids are taken to train for wars and fighting in battles they need to be acting like adults. Kids are meant to act like kids when they are kids. If they have to act like adults when they’re kids they will act like adults their whole life and that’s not fun. They miss out on a bunch when they act like children.
The next reason  is they get taken away from their families, schools and more. When little kids are at school or home, and these people come in and take them without warning them they will have no idea on what’s happening. They will try and fight back and stay where they want to stay. According to the website, “Stephan described being frozen with fear as the rebel fighters took him and more than 100 other students.” He had no idea what was happening and was very scared. On the other hand, people might say that being chosen to be a child soldier is an achievement and it would be fun to go to work on a base.

Finally the last reason is they might die when they get taken into wars when they’re little kids. Even though the kids are trained or training to go to war, they can easily die the same way.  Kids die in wars more easily than adults do and when kids die in wars they send other kids into the war and then those kids die and they repeat the same process. When the kids get sent to war, they get nervous and they feel scared and when they start the battle the kids won’t feel confident.

Other people might say that child soldiers are good for kids, because they learn discipline, they get good exercise, and they will grow up being stronger. Even though there are many bad reasons for child soldiers there are also many good reasons. The kids will be fine and will get taken care of by the people. Also families will get to see them when they are done.

In conclusion, three main bad reasons for child soldiers are they don’t get to see their family, they have to act like adults when their kids, which is not fun, they get taken away from their family and schools, and the last reason is they get taken into wars when they are kids.

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