Slavery Still Exists | Teen Ink

Slavery Still Exists

January 9, 2015
By Jwiggs2 BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
Jwiggs2 BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Without dreams we don't accomplish anything"

I recently watched the movie Taken that came out in 2008. This insightful film is about a father named Mills who has a seventeen year old daughter named Kim. Kim lives with her mom, Mills' ex-wife, and her rich stepdad. Mills is a very skilled CIA agent who has experience working in Afganistan. Kim wants to spend the summer with her friend in Paris, but Mills is sceptical about it. Daddy's always right because the same day that Kim and her friend land in Paris, they get taken and kidnapped. Mills goes to Paris and is trying to find Kim. He soon realizes that Kim and her friend are being sold into sex slavery.

    This movie really made me realize that slavery does still exist, and not just regular slavery but sex slavery. Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purpose of labor or sex. Every single nation across the world is affected by this. Many people wouldn't think so but there are more slaves in our world today then ever before in human history. Watching the movie Taken really put in perspective for me how real this problem is. I researched that it is estimated up to 457 women and girls are trafficked every hour. Also, almost 99% of victims never escape.

    A campaign called A21 is an extraordinary campaign to stop individuals from becoming victims of human trafficking by providing awareness and education. They protect survivors of human trafficking by providing a safe enviornment. Sex trafficking is a real and scary thing that happens all over the world. By watching the movie Taken it made me very aware of this problem and how the A21 campaign is trying to stop it.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write about this because my Aunt travels to different countries to help stop human trafficking. This is a major problem in our world and I wanted to share it with teens. 

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