War and/or Peace | Teen Ink

War and/or Peace

December 12, 2014
By Kathryne Knight BRONZE, Cherryville, North Carolina
Kathryne Knight BRONZE, Cherryville, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Our military, amazing right? I agree. But yet how do we our appreciation? by aging on with other countries? Saying horrible things about other countries and cultures? By discriminating against them? War is caused by all of this, which causes our soldiers to be deployed , or even our innocent are hurt because of revenge. I can name you a few things that has caused wars. discrimination, Holocaust, Crusades, and the Taliban. you've heard of them right? You know the Holocaust was all discrimination against the Jews. World War 2 had over 60 million casualties and 1/3 of those casualties were Holocaust victims.The Taliban the terrorists group that threatened the United States. What happened after that? Ah, that's right war. I'll admit war is good in some cases. But most? No, not at all. We spend money on wars. We lose a lot of lives because of war, and minds are lost to. World War 1 was a horrible war. Over 9 million dead. all because of people not knowing how to behave, or talk things out. War helps keep peace, but it also destroys peace. It destroys lives. It destroys hope. It destroys homes.War destroys chances. Sometimes war keeps us alive. Where would we be without it? Who knows. Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters and many more all suffer from war. Not knowing if their loved one is coming home or not.

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