Guns and Why We Need Them | Teen Ink

Guns and Why We Need Them

November 16, 2014
By arianna_18 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
arianna_18 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Guns cause many things, good and bad. Guns have caused people to win wars. Guns have caused mass murders in schools. But an issue is whether we should allow them or ban them. Everyone has their own opinion, whether they believe in gun control or want to banish it immediately. But certain people (including me), believe in banishing gun control. Many people need guns to protect themselves, and what would militaries do in war? Without guns, this nation would be in serious trouble. Guns are the backbone of the country.

One reason why America needs guns is that police are not always around. Jared Lee Loughner said that he carried a gun on him at all times. If he were present at the Tucson shooting in Arizona, he would have been able to stop the shooter and save lives. He could have even prevented Gabby Giffords from being shot in the head. This shows how guns play a role in our lives in a good way. Responsible gun owners can stop irresponsible gun owners, by using guns.

Now when you hear about guns, the Second Amendment comes to mind. It states that "a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  That being said, guns were necessary to the security of a free State. In the 1800s guns were meant to be used for protection, whether you were in the military or not.

As stated earlier, the police will not always be around to protect citizens. That is why citizens armed with their own guns can keep everyone safe in times of danger and emergency. Sarah Ferris and Jessica Boehm say, “while Connecticut took extreme measures to muscle through one of the most comprehensive packages of gun laws in the country, Arizona legislators moved to make it easier to carry guns in public” (Two States, a Nation Apart on Guns). Even though the Tuscon shooting and the movie theater shooting occurred in Arizona, the state legislator passed laws so that citizens could carry guns in public. They know that their citizens need protection, hence them passing this law.
Others do take the opposite side though. Implementing stricter gun control laws may lower the amount of deaths caused from shootings and it can prevent more mass shootings from happening. Also, limiting the amount of gun purchases can benefit the country, as it has lowered the crime rate dramatically in other countries (Richey). For example, "gun violence in America is off the charts compared with every other country on the planet" (Zakaria).  Other countries have stricter gun control laws, with fewer guns in circulation.  Even though other countries have stricter gun control laws, they may not have as many people living there as in the United States, so their gun violence rate will be lower either way.

Stop and think for a moment. Imagine if the government banished all types of guns. From rifles, to machine guns. What would our world be like? Would we win any wars? Would we be safe from crime? The world may never know. But we need guns in our world. Guns play a vital part in the welfare and safety of the country. Without them, America would be a hollow, empty, defenseless shell, with no protection from anything.


Works Cited
Waldman, Michael. "Gun Laws and What the Second Amendment Intended." The Seattle Times. 14 Jul. 2014: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 21 Oct. 2014.

Jonsson, Patrik. "Oklahoma City Beheading: Will Jihad-Style Attack Boost 'Bring Gun to.." Christian Science Monitor. 27 Sep. 2014: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 21 Oct. 2014.

Ferris, Sarah, and Jessica Boehm. "Two States, a Nation Apart on Guns." Washington Post. 03 Aug. 2014: p. A.4. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 21 Oct. 2014.

Epstein, Reid J. "Leave the Guns Outside, Target Says." Wall Street Journal. 03 Jul. 2014: p. B.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 21 Oct. 2014.

Miroff, Nick. "Activists Struggle to Loosen Mexican Gun Laws." Washington Post. 05 Jul. 2014: p. A.4. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.

Richey, Warren. "Split Supreme Court Shoots Down 'Straw' Gun Purchases." Christian Science Monitor. 16 Jun. 2014: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.



The author's comments:

This piece was required as an English essay, but researching this topic made me rethink gun control. 


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