Should Books be Banned? | Teen Ink

Should Books be Banned?

May 26, 2014
By brian valencia BRONZE, Austin, Texas
brian valencia BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Should Books Be Banned?
People shouldn’t banned books because maybe the book that they banned was a history, ELA, or a science book. Just because it had violence, obscene, or bad languages. Parents want to banned books because their bad for their kids but kids wooden know what happened in the book.
We should be free what we want to read cause if we can’t read we’ll get weaker to read. Many books have been banned for stupid things for example the book named Adventures of Huckle Berry Finn because it had the N word in it and injun. Adventure of Huckle Berry Finn was the 5th most censored book. Even Winnie-the-pooh was banned cause it’s based on fact that a single person know for supporting the Nazi party and a picture of Winnie-the-pooh with a Nazi ties on his shirt. These books shouldn’t be banned because they’re not really that bad. Book shouldn’t be banned cause if a teacher say to read a book and you look for it and it’s banned you wooden know what happed. Cause book and banned books can teach you lessons. Example Old Yeller was banned because the boy killed his dog. Books shouldn’t be banned maybe they should put grads on them like if you’re in 3rd grade you can only read 3rd or lower so don’t ban books!

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