My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

May 23, 2014
By Anonymous

There are a lot of different kinds of hero’s in this world. One of the most impressive is a man named Nickolas Kristof. “Nick” is not be a police officer, fireman or typical superman-type, he is a journalist for the New York Times. Aside from the numerous awards Nick has obtained, he has received a large amount of recognition for his humanitarian efforts. “Half the Sky” is both a documentary movie and a fascinating book published by Nick and his wife. The documentary explains the pain and suffering women are dealt in third world countries around the world. Nick travelled to each respective country to interview women who have learned to thrive in the suffering and bring good from their own troubled pasts. Women like Somaly Mam whose past was a child prostitute; she escaped from the brothel in which she was held and created a home for girls from similar situations. In Vietnam, Nick went on a brothel raid with Somaly, to try and rescue some underage child sex slaves. Not only was this mission extremely dangerous, but Nick was able to film the entire encounter to show his audience the atrocities being committed. Nick is my hero, he has inspired me to pursue a career in law, focusing on international human rights. I want to make a difference, and help these women around the world, fight the demons that continue to bring them down.

The author's comments:
Everyone should know the name Nick Kristof. He is a one of a kind hero to not only me, but to thousands of women and girls as well.

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