Bullying | Teen Ink


May 20, 2014
By Alantebrookins BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Alantebrookins BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bullying is all around the world. Tyler clementi was homosexual he liked boys one day Tyler was in his dorm room and two students recorded him making love to another student and he found out and jumped to his death. Many people get bullied because of what they wear, how they look or because what gender they like. Kids are killing them self because they get bullied every single day of their lives. Although some say kids need to toughen up, we must do more to prevent bullying because too many innocent children are dying and begging to become talked about and it hurts them.

Too many kids are dying these days. “17% of boys and girls have reported being bullied at least two or three times monthly.” Phoebe Prince killed herself because she thought she was ugly. Innocent children should not suffer the way teens suffer because if they do the world would be a bad place
“Every seven minutes a kid is being bullied either in school or on the playground. Every month, “three million kids miss school because they feel unsafe. Middle school kids have been bullied online. An estimate of 18 million kids doesn’t show up to school because they either get hit or talked about all the time. Some kids who were born with something get talked about easily like Mobius or A.D.H.D.

Bullying has been a reasonable topic for many years. Bullying was like in the late 50’s then they are now. My argument is that we should prevent bullying from happening. Teasing and picking on someone is sad to where they kill themselves and that’s not making the world better. Because kids, moms, teachers and peers need to take a stand and help stop it. Because if we don’t are kids in the future are not going to like there generations.

In conclusion I think that we should prevent bullying from happening. If we help prevent bullying the world would be a better place. Too many kids are dying these days “17% of boys and girls have reported being bullied at least two or three times monthly. If you want to help stop bullying go to your principle.



The author's comments:
Its about how to prevent bullying from happeing


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