Too Much Homework, so Little Time | Teen Ink

Too Much Homework, so Little Time

January 8, 2014
By Dagmawi BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Dagmawi BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
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After school, some students go to their homes and start their homework. I would call them the lucky ones. Others stay for after school activities and have to start their home works later on. Put yourself in their shoes and imagine being stressed out every night. Imagine doing homework every day for more than an hour while you are really, really, really tired. Imagine getting to sleep late because you were working on your homework and getting up early to go to school. This is difficult. Kids need to enjoy learning, but it won’t happen if they are getting too much homework. Do you want be a stressful student? Probably not.
Have you ever heard a student complaining about homework and telling their friends they are sick of it? These are the kind of comments that I hear all the time on the soccer field. On the bus .On the playground.
Some days, students have to do their homework for 2-3 hours each night as my research indicated. The fact that students have to work on their homework makes some parents angry, because they might want to spend time after school with their children, they might want to have a family dinner together, they might want to go out in the evening. These are some of the reasons why homework gets in the way of family time.
Sure! The teachers give all the home works but do they deserve all the blame? Kylene Beers, president of the National Council for Teachers of English and the author of “When Kids Can’t Read What Teachers Can Do, Says many teachers are under greater pressure than ever before.
Lots of homework can help some students to improve their grades. On the other hand, getting children to do a lot of homework after a busy day at school is not the best idea. Even after starting the homework, they won’t feel like doing it. Perhaps the next day they might get in trouble for not doing.
Students are given more homework than ever. Obviously
Students are disconnected from their parents because of homework. Probably
In my personal experience, if I return back from soccer practice, I don’t want to do anything, including my homework. If my parents asked me whether I have homework or not I would say, I will do it after I take some rest. However, after, taking a break, I start to procrastinate. So I wouldn’t do the homework and the next day I try to do it before the bell rings and i end up getting ` in trouble for it.
If we want to stop this madness, we need to take the first step. For example, a school named Mason-Rice Elementary Newton, Massachusetts, has limited homework, keeping to the “10 minute rule.” This reveals that for the first grade, the teachers give 10 minutes to do the homework. The time increases by adding 10 minutes for the next grade level. That is the result most parents and students are looking for!

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