Healthy Foods | Teen Ink

Healthy Foods

January 8, 2014
By Dinav BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Dinav BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You're at the grocery store looking for food to buy.
You see a bag of chips that you like, add it to the cart.
You see a drink that you like, add it to the cart.
You see a sauce that you like, add it to the cart.
Does this sound about right? Of course! No one goes around looking at the ingredients of everything they want to buy. But they should. Most people don't realise what they're eating or the hidden ingredients in their food that make it taste so good. Corn syrup, Sugar, oil, and fat. Believe or not these are things that you will find even in the foods that you believe to be healthy. When people say “Here have a healthy nutrition bar” they really should be saying “Here have a healthy apple”. If you need energy before playing a sport or a small breakfast before school just eat a fruit! Why do all people feel the need to make everything they eat so complex instead of just eating something whole.
For example, all of the nutrition bars that people think will give them energy and maintain a healthy diet, actually contain a lot of high fructose corn syrup, carbs and excessive amounts of fat packed into a single bar. Now I know that you're thinking ;What does that mean?; All those ingredients are basically the main cause of obesity and diabetes. There are many other scary facts about some of the foods that we are eating without realising what's in them.
Im sure that you have heard someone talking about processed meat of how mcdonalds and burger king and all of those other fast food places are bad for you. And i'm also pretty sure that just hearing someone talking about it, probably didn't make the greatest impact on you. Well here is something that you probably didn't know, at many fast food places, when you eat chicken fingers, you may actually be eating the fingers of a chicken. What they do to make that chicken is terrible. First, they keep the chickens in tiny cages where they can barely move and are then butchered with unwashed utensils. Then, they mush up the chicken in a blender. (Yes, the entire chicken, with the face and the legs). Lastly they cook the chicken mush and feed it to you. That it wrong in so many ways!!! When I hear things like this it makes me want to scream! Not only is it terrible what they are doing to the animals and how they treat them before they slaughter them, but they shouldn't be allowed to feed us this!
67,000 cows are slaughtered by Mcdonald's daily.
9,000,000 chickens are slaughtered a year.
10,000,000,000 animals are killed each year in a slaughterhouse.
That’s 3 ,000,000,000 more than there are humans on earth. How do you feel about that?

The worst part about all of this, is that its all legal. Everything they do, or don't do to make the food, is approved by the FDA. That soda that you love so much contains flame repellent. They put it in your soda so that the plastic doesn't burn because of all the chemicals. It might seem harmless but if you have to much of it, it can cause memory loss and nerve disorders.
You may not care what you’re eating or what the food that you are ingesting does to you, but I do. I’m sick of the american stereotypes and the way other countries see us. I’m sick of feeling nauseous every time I pass by mcdonalds and see a small child eating a hamburger bigger than their face while their parents eat an even bigger one. I’m sick of eating a raspberry and thinking that there is a possibility of it having rat fur in it. But most of all, I’m sick of trying to be healthy and realising that there is no such thing anymore. If were eating like this now, imagine what new ways companies will come up with to save money, or find loopholes in health codes. In 2030, 45% of americans will be obese. Thats almost half of the entire population. So next time you're at the grocery store, take a moment and think about what you are really adding to the cart.

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