12 year olds | Teen Ink

12 year olds

December 2, 2013
By Anonymous

I am just going to rant about bullying so please stop reading if you don't want to hear it.
I keep hearing how 12 year old's now are suffering from eating disorders and depression and are suicidal and it sickens me, as it should sicken any human. I think we all understand that bullying is bad, but if we all understand it then why is it still done?
Everyone has been bullied or knows a friend whose been bullied. It's repulsive how often it happens.
Being the sister of two 12 year old boys and hearing about 12 year old's being pushed to the point of wanting to commit suicide scares me. Those children are the same age of two people whom I love very much. It is worse when you hear that someone who is only 12 years old killed themselves. Yes its horrible to hear no matter the age, but 12? At age 12 you're supposed to be having fun, and hitting puberty and graduating sixth grade, not killing yourself or even considering it for that matter. Eating disorders for 12 year old's is just as bad.
Speaking as someone who had been bullied in elementary school and until junior year of high school, I know what its like. To feel like everything's wrong with you. Especially as a girl because girls are catty and frankly quite bitchy. Studies have shown that girls bully mentally and purposely seek out your weaknesses. I cannot deny this because even walking outside I analyze other girls subconsciously. Its horrible to be bullied and have no one stand up for you. Its worse though to see other people just walking by and ignoring whats happening. Bullying has become so horrible. It used to rarely cause depression or suicide, now the correlation between being depressed/suicidal and having been bullied. The absolute worst part about bullying is that its becomes internalized. Once you've been bullied for so long you start to hate yourself. You start to bully yourself. It's horrible. Bullying is a vicious and intended act. It is never unintentional.
I hate that 12 year old's go through this though. They never reach High school, and barely reach middle school. They never get to drive a car or have there first kiss. Simple things that everyone seems to look forward to. Everyone must know someone that young. Think about them dying because they were suicidal. No one noticed it at home though or the school ignored it. The teachers either took a small part in it or, like most teachers do, ignored it. Think of all the kids who could have walked by them ad changed that child's day for the better, maybe to even make a new friend. Think of all the friend's the bully had who could have stopped it.
Bullying is disgusting, most if not all agree with it. So my main question to the government right now is: If most everyone agrees that bullying in any/some way is bad, then why aren't the laws changing to prevent things like a 12 year old suicide? Or teachers/ school officials ignoring it? Or some set of laws so we as a country/society/species can let the youth enjoy there youth?

The author's comments:
Its a rant on bullying.

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