Freedom Proclamation | Teen Ink

Freedom Proclamation

November 21, 2013
By JerodBarnes BRONZE, Union City, Indiana
JerodBarnes BRONZE, Union City, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The government should not be focusing on a persons unalienable right to do what they wish with themselves. Let me introduce you to the world. People are free by their rights as human beings. For any one person or government to deny these rights is to commit a crime against humanity. A governments job is not to control or decide how we live, but to protect its people from evil and to ensure we can live. And live freely as we choose. No matter what that choice may be. It is by the power of the people that we wish to live in a free world but in a safe world as well. This world and our country most of all needs guardians of the peace now more than ever. An organization of jedi if you will. Neutral in all aspects dedicated to the safety of all. And dedicated to defend all people from those of tyranny and crimes of utter baseness. Killing. Stealing. Or any harm done physically or mentally to any one person.

The author's comments:
One of my many views on government.


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