Someone To Understand | Teen Ink

Someone To Understand

November 11, 2013
By Escape_312 BRONZE, San Digo, California
Escape_312 BRONZE, San Digo, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Eyes Are the Windows to the Soul

To understand another is nearly impossible. You can never guess what they are thinking, or doing, or anything that they are going to say. You almost never understand a person. But how can I say that? Okay, I've never been understood. Also, I couldn't imagine that I would understand anyone else. I mean, of course I try, but who's to say I succeed? Only the person I try to understand can make that judgement. I wish, someone, just anyone would make an effort to understand, or to notice me. To interpret my thoughts as if they were their own. I'm almost certain everyone wishes for that. Is it possible that I am not the only one who thinks I am going insane with my thoughts? That everything I feel is impossible for another to feel? Then a rush of guilt comes through me. Who am I to say no one would understand? To see right through me? That no one notices? I may be that ignorant. 7 billion people in the world, 1 billion guaranteed to speak my language, 500,00 my age, and maybe 100,00 scattered across the world that would understand me- that I would understand as well. You think you know lots, but in the end, you don't know anything. Someone to understand would be appreciated. Anyone that would understand would be even better in certain ways.

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I felt that I wasn't being understood.

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