The Problem Generation | Teen Ink

The Problem Generation

May 16, 2013
By WesKowalski BRONZE, Columbus, New Jersey
WesKowalski BRONZE, Columbus, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My generation is quickly disintegrating. A lot of people of my age group can no longer think, act or even speak for themselves. I believe the media and internet have a significant influence on kids. Also, the United States Government has a considerable impact on people in our generation. These are all valid reasons why our generation will struggle in the future.
One main influence is the media. Kids and even adults can access the internet and television from their smart phones or sometimes tablets. Some news stories and articles can have a positive impact on people, but only certain people can learn from these. The media can control a great deal. When young people see something that a celebrity wears or does, they want to be like them. The younger they are, the more influenced they can be. With young kids having access to these things all the time, it can affect them greatly. A lot of adults complain that kids are lazy, and it’s all because of the new and upcoming technology.

New technology can make people lazier. Smart phones are capable of accessing the internet anywhere at any time. People are so in-tuned with what’s going on that they don’t want to do anything else. But technology can have advantages, too. For example, new technology in the medical field will be useful. But new gadgets for the average citizens are going to just add to our issues in the world. Google Glass is wearable technology that can access the internet right in front of your eyes without touching anything. I thought that having an iphone or android was good enough for people to have their daily scoop, but I guess people don’t like using their hands anymore. There are a handful of people in the world who use other ways to see what the media has to offer. Some people, like me, don’t care or are not interested in what happens or what someone famous has to say.

To add to the issues, the Unites States Government is corrupt. According to Concord Coalition, we are almost 17 trillion dollars in debt. We import more than we export, which means we are buying from countries more than we sell. Another issue deals with the citizens. A lot of people who even have a great college education cannot get a job because small businesses are falling apart. Businesses need to find a cheaper way to run their places, and a fantastic way is to have one less person to hand a paycheck to every week. Taxes on small businesses have been high, but Obama has plans to lower them to relieve some people. Also, the worst issue in the government is that the U.S. citizens have no say in what goes on. If the public wanted a president to run the country, it won’t matter because all the people in office get what they want. The Electoral College is outdated and has many flaws. In the election of 2000, Al Gore went against George Bush for the presidential election. Al Gore had more citizens who wanted him for president, but because of this system, the electoral vote is the only thing that counts. This has a great deal as to why our generation will fall apart.

Unless people become more aware of what happens around them, I don’t see any hope in my generation. Companies inventing new ways to access the internet is not going to help anybody but themselves. If people could stop being greedy and our political leaders fix their country, maybe we will not struggle.

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