Procrastination | Teen Ink


December 20, 2012
By Jordi Bautista BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
Jordi Bautista BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Almost every week I procrastinate. Procrastination is when you wait until the last moment to start or finish something you were supposed to of done earlier. I fool myself into thinking that I have more time to start on something, than how much I actually have. Procrastination is something I experience every day, and will continue to do.

Every week at school, I do some type of procrastination. I get homework from my honors classes almost every day. I always think that as soon as I get my homework that I’m going to get started right away as soon as I get home, so I don’t have to worry about it later. What really happens though is that I take my homework home, completely ignore it, and end up doing other pointless things. I play video games, watch T.V., surf the web, take a nap, eat snacks, etc. By that time it’s almost eight in the evening and I haven’t even opened my backpack yet. Even when I eventually begin doing my homework, I find ways to distract myself by convincing myself that I am hungry and need something to eat, or that I’m parched and need a drink.

Procrastination doesn’t just happen at school though, it happens in everyday things. For example, when I am asked to clean my room, I don’t do it right away. I wait for my parents to yell at me, not once, not twice, but three times! Then I take a long time actually cleaning my room because the more I think of the idea of cleaning my room, the more revolting it sounds.

During school work I also procrastinate. For instance, right now is a great example. Every now and then I have stopped writing because I keep thinking to myself that I have to write a whole essay about procrastination, explaining how it’s impact has influenced my life.

What is truly the worst about procrastination though is that you always tell yourself that you won’t procrastinate again even though it’s too late and you will end up doing it again anyways.

I’m certain that I’m not the only one that procrastinates though. My brother has a longer due date for his homework and projects because he is in college. Almost every day he tells me that he is going to start on his homework early, even though it’s not due for a couple of weeks. He would drag that on until late in the evening and then make excuses for why he couldn’t start on it. The next day the process would repeat, and the day after that, etc. he wouldn’t actually start on anything until only a couple of days before the due date of his homework.

My brother isn’t the only one that I know that also procrastinates. My mother also tends to do some procrastination here and there, even though she is a full grown adult. When it comes to Christmas shopping, she is one of the laziest people I know. She says that she is going to start shopping right after Thanksgiving, but ends up starting only a week or two before Christmas.

Personally, I don’t there is a solution for procrastination because it’s something most of us just do naturally even if we don’t notice it. The only possible solution that makes sense is a lot of willpower and little to no laziness. I’ve never been able to overcome procrastination, I only know people who don’t procrastinate as much as I do and just don’t like to admit that they do. Hopefully, when I’m older I can find a way around having to deal procrastination, but then wouldn’t that just be procrastinating? For now though I’m stuck writing about it.

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