Tax Cut for Breast Cancer? | Teen Ink

Tax Cut for Breast Cancer?

November 30, 2012
By Greta Stawicki BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Greta Stawicki BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

October 23, 2012

Mr. President
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC, 20500

Dear Mr. President,

In May of 2010, my parents decided to pay for college tuition for my sister who is a sophomore in college and myself, a senior in high school. However, on August thirteenth of 2012, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her life, my world, suddenly upside-down. It is impossible for the family to refuse to pay the medical bills for the treatments for the cancer, and even more impossible to refuse the treatments. The only option left is to pay which means that money is now an issue in my household. With the sudden lapse of money, higher tax rates are something my middle class family cannot afford.

Throughout 2013, the tax rates have been noticeably higher than normal. William Perez from predicted that the smallest percent increase for taxes would be 3%. These values have held true. Without a cap on the taxes, or a tax relief, my family will no longer prosper. Along with most of the country, citizens will find themselves nearly bankrupt with a foreclosed house in order to maintain tax payments. states “President Obama called on lawmakers Friday to immediately freeze income tax rates for most Americans.” By preventing these rates from further increasing, Americans will have a better chance at having spending money, which will boost the economy, but freezing the rates is not enough. Without lower tax rates, many Americans will have to continue barely making ends meet. With no hope for a brighter future (one with lower tax rates), the United States will no longer be the land of the prosperous or the home of the brave. Citizens will be scared to spend money and this will only further devastate the economy.

In a campaign in Ohio, Mitt Romney made a statement, “I care about the people.” It takes more than stating so to convince the public. But the president should care. And if the president cares about the people, he should care about my mom. My family and I are going through a hard time right now. With no tax relief, our struggles have only just begun. Not only for my family, but also for all of those middle class families out there, I urge you to consider a tax break. For the benefit of my family, I am pleading you to contemplate my proposal.

Please consider cutting taxes rates for the middle class. Thank you Mr. President.


Greta S.

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