In the Large Scheme of Things | Teen Ink

In the Large Scheme of Things

August 7, 2011
By MsTerry PLATINUM, Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina
MsTerry PLATINUM, Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina
26 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Censoring music is wrong.

Censoring music is blotting out beautiful masterpieces of artwork with White-out because they depict violence. Censoring music is Procrustes, the Stretcher from Greek mythology, cutting off people’s legs if they were too tall and stretching their necks if they were too short. Censoring music is covering the center of Apollo’s once-glorious statue in Place Massena with an enormous fig leaf. Censoring music is not letting Pluto be a planet because it’s just too small. Censoring music is making people pay entry fees in order to submit poetry to contests. Censoring music is bullying a girl because she isn’t wearing the right kind of mascara. Censoring music is not letting a child brush her own teeth because she’s too young. Censoring music is taking away a teenager’s old stuffed animals and selling them in a Garage Sale for five cents a box. Censoring music is seeing somebody throwing a plastic bottle on the ground when the Recycling Bin is four feet ahead.
Censoring music is everything and anything that mars and distorts the world in less-than-perfect ways because people that think they are better don’t believe the public can handle it – and deep down, are afraid they can.
Because in truth, different kinds of art are inspiring because they’re different. People grow in all sorts of ways, big and small, tall and short, light or dark. Apollo does have genitals, as does half of the entire population – I think women have gotten used to it. Pluto is a planet, because I believe the planets can come is all shapes and sizes. People should not have to pay to submit work – if anything, the sites should pay them. There are so many different kinds of mascara, go ahead and use them all (but not in one go.) Teach the kid to brush their own darn teeth – they have to grow up in the world someday, and you can’t keep them as kids if you squeeze their toothpaste every morning. Teenagers need their stuffed animals.

I’m picking up that plastic bottle you dropped and I’m throwing it in the bin,

just to prove a point.

The author's comments:
Censoring music needs to be stopped! If artists wanted beeps instead of words they would have written it that way.


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