Welcome to Palmetto! | Teen Ink

Welcome to Palmetto!

October 29, 2010
By Kortnei. BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Kortnei. BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Catfight… MEOW! Palmetto mother charged for child abuse. This mother encouraged her 16-year-old daughter to fight another girl. Over what? An ex- boyfriend, well ladies let me just say he’s not going to want you now. Welcome to Palmetto!

April Newcomb, 39, is now in jail and was charged. I guess we know who is not getting the ‘Mother of the Year Award’. I think that what Newcomb Is getting for punishment is fair. I mean you can’t just go to a fight, cheer on her 16-year-old daughter, and get away with it. Sorry, not going to happen!

You know something is wrong with a town when according to the BradentonHerald.com, just four days after this fight occurred, another fight including parents and children broke out. In contrast a mother stuck a 14-year-old girl and her 37-year-old mother with a pipe. For what? I wonder…

Why would a mother encourage her daughter at a fight? To get her face out on the Internet. Congrats, that’s exactly what happened. A bystander of the 5-minute fight posted a video on youtube. Hundreds watched, formed opinions, and still did nothing. Although in this video it showed Newcomb cheering on her daughter, the mother of the other girl was casually standing next to Newcomb and they both did nothing to stop the fight.

Can you believe that April actually drove her daughter to the fight? Could you imagine the conversation in the car on the way to the fight? “ We’re going to win!” or “ Come on girl, show me them guns!” Newcomb states that she was only there to make sure that her daughter didn’t get hit in the back of the head. Considering that her daughter was hit in the back of the head 2 years before. Hmm… I wonder how that happened? 16-year-old daughter grew up with her mother and father fighting all the time.

Teenagers across our country are going out and fighting and then thinking it’s okay. It’s not! We need to stop it. We need to do something because nothing good ever comes out of fighting.


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