Is the American Dream just a dream? | Teen Ink

Is the American Dream just a dream?

June 4, 2024
By Anonymous

Opinion Editorial: Is the American Dream just a dream?

The American Dream today has become something not everyone can achieve. The whole point of the dream is that anyone, if they work hard enough, will succeed. However, “ABC News/Ipsos poll finds only 27% of Americans say the dream still holds.”   while “69% of Americans say the American dream does not hold true today.” (ABC News)

In reality, there are so many circumstances that determine whether someone will have a fair chance of making a living. Many people don’t have the luxury to receive an education and as a result, they will face difficulties finding work. “Someone with a high school diploma had a 4.1% chance of unemployment and made $177 more a week. Add in a 2-year associate's degree, and unemployment drops to 2.8%, while wages climb to $309 more a week than with no high school diploma.” (

To receive an education to get a good-paying job you have to have the money to pay for college which puts “43 million Americans in debt.” (

Moving on from education, living expenses are another obstacle for many. “In an environment where living costs have been soaring and higher education, a crucial component of achieving upward economic mobility remains out of the reach of many.” While some people can overcome the obstacles that come with student debt and getting a job, some people are unlucky because of how our country runs. (

From personal experience, there was a time when my mother went through multiple life-threatening illnesses/emergencies. First, she had blood clots all over her body and in her lungs and had to go to the emergency room for scans which cost her a lot of money. Then almost a year later, she had been dealing with pain and when she went to the hospital they found tumors in her reproductive organs. 

This was such a nightmare for my mom and I. She had to stay positive and deal with surgery and I was terrified that I would lose my mom, my only parent. I remember feeling so relieved when the tumors were removed, but for my mom, I saw how upset she was from the medical bills. “government data estimates that people in the United States owe at least $220 billion in medical debt.” (

Experiencing such a thing is something that people all over the US go through. It is so discouraging when you have to watch someone who is trying to support their kids lose everything they worked for as soon as they have to get medical help.

“The lottery of life - the postcode where you were born - can account for up to two-thirds of the wealth an individual generates.” ( This fact shows that the American Dream is false in stating that there is a fair opportunity for everyone to have a chance. It depends on who your parents are and if they have the financial means to boost you into succeeding.

Unfortunately, parents today are working so hard to imagine a future where their children can live a better life than the past generations and keep a growing cycle, however, things aren’t the same as when the American Dream first came about. “today's young generation is the first in modern history expected to be poorer than their parents.” (

Working hard isn’t enough now, we need the government to create access to good jobs for everyone. Many people aren’t able to work certain types of jobs due to disabilities or other unavoidable reasons and it is unfair to limit their potential to make a living. If the government further helps the citizens of America we may witness the American dream come true for everyone, not just those lucky.

The author's comments:

This piece was part of my final for English class and publishing the writing was one of the options for the final. It was using rhetorical writing strategies.

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